Living with Little Money

The cost of living in Switzerland is relatively high. It can be helpful to purchase certain items secondhand. Persons with little money can use special shops with lower prices.

Used Goods

Switzerland has many thrift shops (Brockenhäuser). This is where used goods can be purchased at low prices. Also, individuals sell used goods at designated markets, e.g. flea markets, markets for used clothing, or ski gear, etc. Web portals are another popular way of selling and purchasing used articles.

Caritas Market

People with little financial means can shop for inexpensive food and everyday items in Caritas markets (Caritas Markt). In order to do so, you need to obtain a special pass which can be applied for through Caritas. Caritas provides additional information and verifies whether the requirements are met. In the region, there is a shop in Basel. In Basel-Landschaft, there is a Caritas market delivery service.