Train, Bus and Tram

Public transportation in Switzerland is very well organized. Almost all locations are accessible by train, bus and tram. Public transportation is punctual and operates on a regular schedule.

Public Transportation

Public transportation (ÖV) is very important in Switzerland. Almost all locations are accessible several times per hour. This encourages many travellers to use the train and bus. Fares are relatively expensive, but there are various ways to save money. It may be worthwhile purchasing a season pass or reduced fare pass. The relatively inexpensive half-fare pass (Halbtaxabo) allows the the holder to purchase tickets at half price anywhere in Switzerland.

Tickets and Passes

Before boarding a train one must buy a ticket (Billett). Tickets cannot be purchased on board. Buses and trams manage this differently. Every train station and most bus stops have ticket automats. There are staffed ticket counters in the bigger train stations. Tickets can also be purchased online or via mobile phone. Frequent travellers can benefit from various special passes. These are available for specific routes, regions, or the entire Swiss public transportation system (Generalabonnement). Children under the age of 6 ride without charge. Under the age of 16 travelling with parents or grandparents is almost free of charge with a junior or children's pass (Junior- oder Kinder-Mitfahrkarte). Information on tickets and passes is available through the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) or bus companies.

Tarifverbund Nordschweiz TNW

The transport network Tarifverbund Nordwestschweiz TNW offers special fares for tickets, subscriptions and day passes. The region is divided into multiple zones. People who travel often by tram, bus, and train in north-western Switzerland can benefit from the subscription U-Abo. It is valid throughout the TNW network. A separate ticket is required for travel beyond the region.